Friday, September 30, 2005


A hopeful heart and an open mind are the best traveling companions.

Secrets of Creating Success with Ease

By Jo Ball

Do you ever strum your fingers on the desk top as you look down at your work and think, ‘Right, how can I do all this lot without really working?’

Brought up in an era with a cliché that went: ‘You must work hard for a living’ my attitude to work conflicted with what I’d learned from my elders and peers. I felt ‘wrong’ because I wanted to be lazy. I felt ‘guilty’ for wanting to do as little as possible and ‘unworthy’ in my role as office manager for an insurance brokerage. But I tell you I’ve cracked it! I’ve discovered how to maximize my results without working like a dog.

When I tell you how easy this is, you might not believe me. When I tell you how easy this is you’ll probably think that the idea is so alien to your ‘work hard for a living’ ethics that you won’t want to believe me, so before I share my secret to success with you, let me first tell you something worth bearing in mind…

Every day doctors prescribe more and more anti-depressants,

Every month more and more couples separate or divorce; and

Every year more and more employees take time off work because of one stress disorder or another.

We work too long… we work too hard… we get tired… we get stressed… and we die too young.

So my first secret of success is this: if your work hurts you or depresses you then it is killing you. And I’m willing to put money on it that you’ll find yourself much less effective as a dead person. But you know that there is something inside of you that makes you feel good, something that excites you, something that will bring you life if only you discover how to get to it.

Some people have heart attacks or get cancer with the stress of overwork. It’s a pretty rude awakening. Some people review life when they find out they might die soon. My wake up call for working too hard was a fourteen-foot fall, head first onto concrete. The impact hurt…naturally! But more importantly it knocked enough sense into my skull to make me realise how precious life is and served as a reminder that I really needed to get back to creating that system of not working too hard.

My second secret is to substitute the word ‘hard’ for ‘efficiently’. Who wants to work with their nose to the grindstone, their shoulder to the wheel and their ears to the ground… for one thing it’s a very uncomfortable position to work! For another I don’t believe your posture will help your brain flow with creative ideas. Before I tell you my effective work posture let me just briefly explain what I do for a living.

I’m a writer, author of a novel, Black Water, and two personal development books, Steps to Greater Happiness and Be the Hero in your Own Life. Now you might think as a writer I sit at a desk all day with a pen or a laptop and write page after page, but that’s not the case. And here is my second secret.

I work my hardest when I’m flat out, on the couch, bed or floor. I solve more problems, write more dialogue and create much better ideas for plots when I’m not sitting upright bashing away at the keyboard. It’s a bit like when you go to bed and suddenly remember something you should have done earlier in the day, it’s tapping into the subconscious and working efficiently and not hard.

But I know most of you probably don’t work in that kind of environment. You work in a busy office where you’re practically chained to a desk. So what do you do? Sit in a park at lunch, listen to the birds, listen to the sounds of people walking by, chill out and then ask yourself what you need to do. Take an extended coffee break, lock yourself in a toilet cubicle and take five. If a colleague comes looking for you tell them you’re on your creative thrown, problem solving!

So, the keys to creating success with ease are: find work you love and try out my method of working efficiently.

Neil Millar writes monthly articles for Unstoppable Life’s FREE newsletter. He invites you to join the fast growing newsletter aimed at people who want to find greater rewards in their work and more energy in their home-life.

When you sign-up for the newsletter you get a copy of the e-book, Steps to Greater Happiness, as a way of saying welcome and thanks for joining. It’s FREE. Sign up now


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Travel Light

Travel light, preconception and prejudice are unnecessary luggage.

Define Me

By Jo Ball

We’ve all had a vision or a great idea and had someone who knows better squash it.

We’ve all decided to clear our debts, but been tempted by the next great offer.

We’ve all been determined to save up for a holiday or some other thing that will enhance our lives and then been clobbered by a bill that sets us back a month or few.

We’ve all affirmed a diet in one moment and been offered chocolate in the next.

We’ve all ran a mile from heartache and nightmare, as well as from our dreams or love affairs and we’ve all laughed when we should have cried, cried when we could have laughed and ran ourselves into a downward spiralling place.

We’ve all judged ourselves too harshly: beaten ourselves up for what we’re not, what we don’t have and what we believe we can never be. But let’s not do that.

Let’s resolve not to define ourselves by our weakest moments.

Let’s resolve not to make harsh judgments on ourselves for our failings.

Should we really give ourselves a hard time – slaughter ourselves for trying, but not achieving?

The answer to this my friend is no.

Some moments in life are all about just showing up, or taking part. Some moments are about just hanging on, gripping onto what you have and hoping the pain passes. Its moments like these that humble us – make us realise that maybe something else in our life had greater importance than our work, or the gadgets we crave or the TV soap operas that hook us.

But pause a moment, right here, right now and just mull over your last action today – not the result: the winning or the losing - but the action itself, of taking part or not – and if you did define yourself by your last action, what have you just been? Who have you just been?

And if you did define yourself by all of the actions you took today – not the results: the winning or losing – but the action itself, of taking part or not - what have you become this day?

I tell you this though…

It’s not all about right now, or even today. It’s not even about looking at what you have done and understanding it better. But a life full of purpose is a life full of making better choices – choices from your highest place: your highest standards, your highest beliefs and your highest dreams.

Have you and I really come to this day in our life as all we can be?

Have we come to this point in our lives - through all our toils, troubles and experiences – to be without a vision and be financially broke? Have we come to this day to be fat or sick or too feeble minded to stand up for our beliefs, our dreams and our hopes? Have we come to this day to not show the people around us we love them?

Here my friend is what defines us:

In every thought we make a statement. In that statement we define our current belief. In every belief about our current situation we build our history and ultimately that history comes to this point…

To do or to die.

Take a look at nature. It is either growing or dying: every tree, every blade of grass, every insect, every animal and every human being is the same – growing or dying.

If you find yourself habitually saying:

I don’t have the confidence instead of saying, I’ll try,

I can’t afford that, instead of saying, I’ll find a way,

I don’t have the time, instead of turning off the telly, or

Diets don’t work instead of finding one that does

Where are you heading?

Life without purpose is just misery and muddle. Promise yourself to make your life purposeful!

Don’t just live it. Mean it!

What will you do improve in your life?

About the Author: Novelist and personal development writer, Neil Millar wants you to join his free newsletter at Unstoppable Life and get his free e-book Greater Steps to Happiness. Join for fr>ee at


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Follow Your Own Path

Happiness is along the path to your own reality, not someone else's.

Success - Truly Live The Life You Deserve Everyday

By Howard Kotliar

We all want it. An incredible life that we enjoy waking up for. Getting out of bed each and every morning feeling like it is a weekend. WOW - what a feeling that would be.

My friend, I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is unfortunately, all to many of us do not think this is possible. The good news – no the GREAT news is, it is absolutely possible! If we follow a simple recipe of success, we can all live everyday like it is a weekend!

Here is an easy recipe for success that has worked for hundreds, no thousands of people who thought they could not have true success.

1. Remember, the past does not equal the future! If you are 19, 49 or 99 and have not been successful up to this point in your life it doesn’t matter. You can and will be successful going forward.

2. Be open to new possibilities. Say “yes” sometimes instead of “no” all the time.

3. Explore and find out who you really are. Write down who you admire then look at why you admire them. These same traits you admire about them are in you! This is a good start.

4. Write down what you think your true desires are – to be, to do and to have. You will be surprised at your answers when you just let it flow from your pen instead of your mind.

5. Contrast really works! Close your eyes and think about what you really want in life from #4. When you have a clear picture in your mind think about never ever getting it. Feel your disappointment and feel your pain in not getting what you want in life. Let that pain sit with you for a minute. Next, take a deep breath and think about really getting what you do want in your life right now and living it today! Feel your excitement, feel your joy and feel your happiness. Take these powerful positive feelings with you and get what you want NOW!

6. If goal setting doesn’t work for you forget it! Use targets instead. If we do not accomplish a goal we feel like failures. If we miss a target, like in horseshoes or golf, it only makes us want to try harder and we do! Plus, if you come close to a target you can still feel success.

The answer to success is simple. We make it more complicated than it really is. Success is a choice. Simply say “Yes” to success, use the above lessons and choose to live life to the fullest everyday and you will.

Howard Kotliar specializes in helping people achieve extreme financial success and live the life of their dreams in their own home-based business. You can visit his website at and sign up for a free 7 part email Life Mini-Course

Article Source:

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Optimist vs. Pessimist

"There's a light at the end of the tunnel" says the optimist.

"It's probably a train coming straight at us" responds the pessimist.

Life is all about your point of view. Look at it from a positive perspective.

Your Most Important Opportunity

By Jo Ball

For some people this article will turn out to be one of the most important things they’ve ever read.

I say this because some people are ready to get to grips with life.

In the next year some people will put their lives on the map. They’ll know clearly what they intend to have happen and, more importantly, why.

Do you want to be part of the crowd making the switch to the dizzying heights of happiness – and when I talk about "happiness," I'm talking about real "Happiness"? Do you want to feel good after a fulfilling day at work? Do you want to live a dream relationship? Do you want you to be building wonderful bonds with your children, easily, and taking the steps to reach your full potential as a human being?

If you do, the good news is this: change can be easy. Here is how…

First, stop ignoring your instincts: that slumping feeling or that feeling of nausea or the little voice in your head that says: 'I want more out of life than I'm getting.' Accept it as part of you and welcome that feeling. Is it telling you that you’re not being rewarded or is it saying you are not being fulfilled in work? Or is the feeling hinting something else is not right – the relationship with your partner or your children?

When you listen to your instincts and accept that things are not right you put yourself back in the driving seat where you can recreate situations and get to grips with life. When you ignore them, they return over and over again, often increasing in intensity until you have to deal with them.

Sooner or later you will have to deal with all the issues in life. Why wait until they get to the point of danger where you feel ill or you feel like your world is falling apart? Deal with them while the pressure is not too intense. Deal with them now. If you leave it too late you won’t be in the best frame of mind and you’ll more than likely handle it poorly.

Your instinct is your greatest opportunity. It is there to help you navigate through life, like a rudder on a ship. The problem is all too often we ignore it and try to navigate using logic, which is more like snapping the rudder off and hoping for the best.

About the Author: I don't want my newsletter readers to be the envy of their friends and family. I want them to be the example! If you want to earn more, be happier in your work, have a better sex life or a fitter body then join my free newsletter. We’ll even send you a free e-book on finding greater happiness – our way of welcoming you to our fast-growing readership.
Join us now at


Monday, September 26, 2005

Spread Happiness

Happiness is the only good and the way to be happy is to make others so.

--Robert Green Ingersoll

Finding Your Life Purpose

By Jo Ball

You have a purpose in life. You have a unique gift or special talent. By using this to gift to benefit others you raise your spirit to it’s highest. This is the ultimate… the dream of all dreams and the point where you can all live a life with abundant happiness.

The question is how?

This article will set you on that path and tell you what to do next.

Forget how much money you have. Forget how big your home is or how big you’d like it to be. Forget where you want to go on holiday. Forget your religious background and forget your education. I say this because focus on these things can stop you from seeing who you really are and therefore stop you from doing what you want to do in life.

The reasons why you’ve forgotten who you are and what you want to do are that they have been extracted from you or squashed by following beliefs and values of those around you. You’ve been stopped from exploring you.

We get caught up on ‘being good’ conforming to the norm, directed by peers and elders and adopting the beliefs of groups and our society as a whole. Your education may have thwarted your talent about as much as a religious upbringing may have choked your self-expression.

Parents and friends may also have suggested strongly or even told you what you needed to do when it came to your career. You have ended up working for the local government because it was safe and secure or for a bank, insurance firm, followed a legal or accounting path because you believed it had good career prospects and good chance to make money. You may have made good money, built a successful career, but also noticed that you have a desire to do something else. Here is how you can use that desire to your benefit.

Understand you came to this earth with the purpose to discover your true identity and that the experiences you have had so far have been pre-sent to help you discover that. Remember times when you’ve been told you can’t do something because of education, religious or parenting boundaries. Remember the things you did that made your heart sing. Remember that these things hold the key to your self-discovery and your true desire and purpose. Maybe you know immediately what your gift is, maybe you don’t have a clue… which ever, read on.

Whether you’re immediately aware of your true talent or not, I know you get the sense that you are here for a purpose. And I know you will also understand that when you use that gift for the greater good you will feel happier, more fulfilled and more greatly rewarded than ever before. Living your life purpose you’ll want to get up earlier, stay up later and you’ll lose all track of time. You will literally move into timeless awareness, so absorbed and excited by what you create. And one more thing.

The rewards you get can be limitless.

About the Author: Jo Ball is a Life Purpose Coach. She’d love you to join up to her free monthly newsletter full of ideas, tips and stories on living life on purpose. What’s more when you join the fast growing readership she’ll send you a free e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness as a thank you gift. Join Jo now at


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dance of Life

In dance, no movement or direction is better or worse than another. This, too, is a way to view all life. See all the "good and bad" things that happen to you simply as movements in the dance of life.

What Is It All About?

By Jo Ball

For most people life is a fairly ordinary existence - and when I say ordinary I mean a contented, ‘far from perfect’ way of life. And that’s okay… until something major happens to rock the boat.

Divorce, illness, redundancy, an accident or the death of someone close – any one of these events is enough to get you thinking about your own morality. When you realise how thin the cord of life is you begin to contemplate the meaning of your life and the direction you’re currently heading. Life becomes more precious and you ask, ‘What’s it all about?’ or ‘What’s my purpose in life?’

You may be disillusioned with work. You may come home from the day tired or grumpy and unenthused after another day when your natural gifts have been unexpressed and passions thwarted. You may feel stressed or be under your doctor and on medication for depression. Other areas of your life may also be far from perfect and although you’ve decided to change things, you have no idea what you might change things to. It is here that many people become stuck and opt for the status quo. If you are one of these people then the rest of this article will help you.

Believe it or not a growing number of people are restless with life. They are shifting gear to accelerate away from difficulties at the first signs of trouble and finding that after an initial period of getting their heads around a new perspective on life, that life actually can be a magical experience where things that kept you back before – like a lack of confidence or money – are no longer a problem and very few things become major issues. I bet you’d like some of that, wouldn’t you?

So, how do you create this?

Finding purpose in life holds the key – and when I say ‘purpose’ I mean ‘Life Purpose’

There are a few principles to this and I’ve listed them below in very general terms to help you understand how simplistic living, governed by your Life Purpose rather than the dictates of society, can be.

Principle One - you were born with a unique talent and a distinctive way of expressing it.

Principle Two – at some level you already know your life purpose.

Principle Three – Life Purpose is often hidden by day-to-day living. The problem is life got complicated and you forgot what it was you intended to do. The aim of this article is to help you understand what happens as a result of losing your way, so you can do something to change.

Principle Four – Life purpose is not just job specific. Most people think life purpose is all about your work. Work is a key element, but not the be-all and end-all. You’ll find that your Life Purpose can be expressed through your work. For example if your Life Purpose is to work as a healer you could heal in a number of ways – by providing massage therapy, nursing, counselling, coaching or writing.

Principle Five - Without clarity of life purpose living becomes existence. If you don’t know what you want you are like a ship without a rudder. You have no meaning or direction except necessity… and the direction others send you in – usually those who are clear what they want and have learned how to achieve their goals getting you to do the workload while they put their feet up and take five.

Principle Six - A Life Purpose will benefit others. Ultimately your Life Purpose will benefit the greater good. It doesn’t have to be what Ghandi did for India. It can be much simpler. It could be the way you care for lame animals, the way you empower children or the beauty you create as a gardener.

Principle Seven - Life Purpose links mind, body and spirit. When you work with your life purpose there is no gap between these essential elements of living. You take care of all three areas of your life. You mind is engaged, your body is energised and your spirit is raised. Once you’re on the journey living your Life Purpose is like experiencing magic from morning through to evening.

About the Author: Jo Ball is a Life Purpose Coach. She’d love you to join up to her free monthly newsletter full of ideas, tips and stories on living life on purpose. What’s more, when you join the fast-growing readership she’ll send you a free e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness as a thank you gift. Join Jo now at


Saturday, September 24, 2005


When the pond is still, the reflection is clear.

When the mind is still, the reflection of life is clear.

Reflection brings clarity.

Where Are You Currently Heading?

By Jo Ball

Do you know where your current path is taking you?

Education, religious upbringing, core family beliefs and friend’s values have been shaping your life up to now. You’re busy with life, work, partner, kids and socials and have little or no time to stop and think about where you’re life is heading. In fact sometimes you hear a tiny voice in your head say, ‘I think I’m losing my identity.’

Ninety-four percent of people don’t know where they’re heading. Little wonder then that life seems to go around and around in circles. And unless you take time out it won’t get any better. Twenty years from now you’ll still be working like a dog works when it’s chasing its tail. And that tiny voice… well if you can still hear, it will be saying, ‘I’ve well and truly lost my identity!’

And what is your identity? I say your identity is who you really are, not your job, or your exam results, or your religious persuasion or your family name or your bank balance or how much you do to care for your dependants. No, you’re identity is something else…

You we’re born into this world with a unique gift and a distinctive way of expressing it, the problem is, with so many other influences on you in your youth and adulthood you’ve forgotten what those things are. Now you’re programmed and running a set pattern of behaviour in what I’d call ‘The Existence Mode.’

Your sense of identity in fact has most probably helped form a person who you are not and maybe even don’t like too much (grumpy, often tired, overweight, apathetic…) rather than who you really are. But changing it, after years of shaping you into this person you are now, seems like a task, way, way too massive to even contemplate.

Yet while you continually throw your heart into doing what seems right, performing in ‘The Existence Mode’ your soul is searching. (That’s why you are reading this now and identifying yourself in my words).

Your soul wants you to do the logical thing. Align with your true identity - become all that you are. It doesn’t want to see you floundering one day more. It doesn’t want you to be lost, fed-up, mentally beating yourself or picking on the ones you love. It wants you to be free.

Begin your search now.

Understand that you were born with a unique talent and a distinctive way of expressing it; understand that at some level you already know your life purpose and that it has just become buried and that all you need now is just some time and a little help to uncover it; understand life purpose is not just job specific, though work is a key element because of the hours spent doing it; understand without clarity of life purpose living becomes existence. Until you know what you want you’ll continue to run on the pre-programmed Existence Mode’.

Finding out who you really are and where you are really heading takes a little time and may cost you some money. It’s a journey – a journey that leads to self-fulfillment, greater rewards at work and greater, all-round happiness.

About the Author: Full of stories, tips, tricks and ideas for living life on purpose, the Unstoppable Life newsletter is a must for anyone who wants a richer, happier life. Join the fast-growing readership and they will send you the e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness as a way of saying, thanks for joining.


Friday, September 23, 2005


The block of granite which was an obstacle in the path of the weak, becomes a stepping stone in the path of the strong.

--Thomas Carlyle

Who Do You Think You Are?

By Jo Ball

Are you totally in love with your life?

Whatever your current situation I want to give you some food for thought…

Your current level of love, passion and intensity for your everyday life is directly proportionate to how close you currently live to the purpose for which you came to this life.

Take an office worker. Is he going to work because of his love for paperwork or because he has an intense passion to crunch numbers? Or a receptionist, is she going to work because of her deep love for answering ringing telephones and the thrill of asking the question, ‘May I help you?’ Of course not; like millions of others they are both going to work to earn money to pay for the necessities in life.

But just for a moment let’s question the necessities. Sure a five bedroom home, the luxury car and the two week holidays abroad are all great, especially when you measure your success, as nearly all of us do, by what we ‘have’ and what we’re ‘doing’. The only problem is, ‘having’ and ‘doing’ have very little to do with a key factor in what we’re ‘being’ while we’re ‘having’ and ‘doing’.

‘Being’ is all about ‘who you are’. Sure you can have all the material things in the world, but if you have to sell your soul for forty years doing something which you have no passion for in order to ‘have’ and ‘do’ – or in other words ‘look good’ to others – then, have you been who you really are and do you really need to question why you might not be feeling aroused, playful and passionate. Sounds a bit like good sex…

And living life can be like good sex… great sex… And I bet great sex for forty years interests you more than working passionless, grinding hours!

In order to live life with passion you need to find purpose. And when I say ‘purpose’ I mean, ‘Life purpose’. And when I say ‘Life Purpose’ I mean, understanding the unique gift – that special talent that got buried long ago due to all that necessity you created in order to look good – and expressing it in a distinctive way.

The problem you might have is uncovering that talent and then finding a viable way to make a living. But that is really all just stuff and nonsense. When you’re involved in your passion and remain open to the possibilities out there waiting for you, you can be swept along on a wave of possibility.

So, to return to our original question, “Who are you?” Are you someone who is willing to be swept along on a wave of possibility, adventure and life or will you hang onto what doesn’t excite you?

Life is for living.

Best wishes

Jo Ball

Unstoppable Life

About the Author: Who do you think you are? Find out more. Join Jo Ball and Neil Millar at Unstoppable Life. The newsletter is free and they’ll thank you for joining their fast-growing readership by sending you the free e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness.


Thursday, September 22, 2005


I dreamed a thousand new paths...

I awoke and walked my old one.

--Chinese Proverb

Get Blissed!

By Jo Ball

Elton John, Billy Joel, Phil Collins and Freddie Mercury all have something in common, aside of a smidge of talent and the fact they all became pop-stars.

Watch Elton John perform I’m Still Standing or Billy Joel play My Life at their pianos, or witness Freddie Mercury winding up for We are the Champions or Phil Collins on drums during In The Air Tonight, and you’ll witness something magical happening, something that sends shivers down your spine. But what is it that they do?

We’ll it’s the same ‘something’ that caused Bob Geldoff to pull all his music industry pals together and raise millions for charity back in the eighties with the hit Do they Know its Christmas and the subsequent Band Aid appeal. It got Churchill to move the nation with powerful speeches and it is all that stands between you and our true greatness.

But what is that ‘something’? And is it simple enough to bring into our everyday lives?

The answer is yes.

It’s to do with the first principle of Life Purpose, that we all have a unique gift and a distinctive way to express it. The best way for me to explain this to you is to tell you a short story.

A year ago I suggested that my son took up music lessons with his grandfather. His Pappy is a professional musician, and if you’re child is going to become the prodigy that all parents’ hope they will be, you want them to learn from a pro, don’t you, especially if that pro is a family member. He took the suggestion up and here is what unfolded.

Nine months later he’d had enough. It seemed like hard work. Sure he mastered the scales – nothing wrong with his fingers – could read the notes – nothing wrong with his memory – but he couldn’t sit still during the lessons and in the week in between each session we only ever heard him doing minimal practicing.

(Does this sound like you when you are at work? Going through the motions, doing what needs to be done and not managing more?)

After school he never took himself off to his room, plugged in the keyboard and shocked himself with something new he’d learned to do. He never hit heaven, blissed out, totally astounded himself or got excited over a new discovery. He never came to me, shook me from my book and said, “Listen to this, Dad. It’ll blow your mind!”

We concluded it wasn’t his thing – each to his own – and he admitted he only took it up because he thought I’d be happy!

Stephen King once said, “Talent renders rehearsal meaningless; when you find something you love you do it until your fingers bleed and your eyes fall out your head… every outing is a bravura performance because you as the creator are happy.”

My son and I chatted. We concluded if there’s no joy in it, there’s no point in it, and therefore he’s best off spending keyboard practice time searching for that ‘something’ else where he can hit that high, reap the rewards of joy and ensure his life becomes an energetic adventure.

Some of us pretend in life. We pretend to do what we think makes our parents happy. We pretend to enjoy work. We pretend to be happy while we sell our soul. We pretend to be artistic or creative but never put oomph into it and maybe… just maybe we drift through life with that thought that there must be something else out there.

But life is an experience – one big talent show for us to show off our skills. It’s a stage for us to use our skills for our fun and pleasure and for the pleasure of those around us.

Life is not a practice for some future event that we hope will just drop out of the sky. We have to make it happen.

Great writers write everyday until their eyes fall out their head and their brain won’t function, great coaches coach everyday, great musicians play until their fingers bleed. All of them love every single moment of what they do. It’s about passion. It’s about blissing out. It’s about happiness. It’s about being at one with your self - being truly honest with who you really are.

Remember you’re heroes – great comedians, interviewers, musicians, singers, teachers etc. They all have that bliss in their eyes, hearts and minds at the moment they affected you most.

Let’s not pretend another day. You and I came to this earth with a unique and special talent, yet why in God’s name don’t you use it to the full. Why are we doing spreadsheets and sweeping roads when we would sooner be an artist or a therapist?

Put up with snotty customers at the call centre or organise the bazaar for the WI committee if that means something to you, but please do not ever kid yourself about your level of passion and commitment when you choose what you do with your life.

My son made his stance to be blissed by life as a ten year old. How old are you?

Have you made the same commitment to your life yet?

About the Author: Get tips, stories and ideas on achieving what you want in life in a monthly email and join Jo Ball and Neil Millar. It’s FREE and you’ll receive their e-book free, Greater Steps to Happiness as a way of saying thank you and a free life purpose report for joining the subscription list.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005


What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.

--Joseph Addison

How To Play To Your Strengths

By Jo Ball

Are you clear on your unique qualities, talents and personal strengths? And what’s more do you centre your life around these gifts?

You’re busy, trying to be a good worker, colleague, partner, parent, friend and neighbour; you’ve been brought up with parents and peers ideals, educated well, maybe have a religious background, and perhaps a little of your past behaviour might been influenced by something you saw on TV or in a movie.

In fact, maybe… just maybe… and you’re not alone here… some of your thinking and behaviour belongs to what others have told you to think or feel in any given situation.

In fact, it is highly likely that other people might influence a large chunk of your life. Maybe you followed a career path based on your father telling you it made good career sense or because you’d earn a lot of money; maybe because everyone else drinks tea or coffee or beer you do the same, even when the taste doesn’t excite you; and maybe you buy certain brands of food because an advertisement makes it look good.

What am I saying here? I’m saying it is easy to be steered down one path, then another, then another, and then before you know it, “BANG” you’re in the middle of a forest, cut off from your original path, and have no idea how to get back on the right trail. On a journey we call this being lost. In life we end up calling it something else.

When we get lost on our path we say we got disillusioned. But if we get disillusioned surely that must mean we had an original illusion in the first place, (because if we didn’t have an illusion, how could we become dis-illusioned).

It’s a fact that many teenagers through to twenty-seven year olds are already disillusioned with life, disconnecting from life with behavioural change like attention deficit disorders and by using gaming stations, DVDs and in some cases drugs. In older generations the same disconnection is manifesting in other ways, stress, sick notes from work, anxiety and depression.

In my understanding we come to this life with a purpose.

Life = Active principle of living things and movement

Purpose = Thing intended

But what happens is life – education, religion, friends, family, TV, work – all lead you away from this purpose or illusion, until you become disillusioned. It is only then, in disillusionment, that you begin to find your true self.

You are furthest from your true illusion when you lose the concept that you have unique qualities, talents and personal strengths and when you don’t centre your life on these gifts.

Teenage and early adult behaviour problems and the issues of later generations begin to disappear the moment you live in alignment with ‘YOUR PURPOSE.’

Love and best wishes,

Jo Ball

p.s. Happiness comes in through doors you forgot you left open

About the Author: At Unstoppable Life, Jo Ball is developing the next generation of leaders who play to their strengths. These people are discovering and defining their life purpose. Join Jo’s Fr>ee newsletter at Unstoppable Life now and discover the mass of information others are already using to enhance their lives.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005


There's beauty all around our paths, if but our watchful eyes can trace it midst familiar things, and through their lowly guise.

--Felicia Hemans

Does Lack Of Confidence Stop You?

By Jo Ball

Ever had the sense that there is more to life than you’re experiencing?

Ever felt that there’s more out there for you to do, but never been quite sure of what that is? Or maybe you know what you need to do, but have been putting it off because you lacked the confidence to take the chance.

One of the biggest things in our way of exploring this path is our necessity to pay our bills. This usually means staying in a job or career that no longer fulfils us for a little while… usually forty years!

Another block to changing life might be your upbringing – maybe a parent who tells you that you need to stick with what you know – or a spouse who’d prefer you to stay the way you are and not follow your dreams, or friends who think that anything other than what you’ve been doing for the last few years is odd.

It can be quite scary to reach out for your truth. By your truth I mean your life purpose. What’s more, those around you might find it quite scary too – that’s why they try to put you off doing it. I mean can you imagine their faces if you suddenly became crystal clear, not only that you were going to change your life, but also knew how.

Imagine how powerful it would sound to them. Imagine the example you would make when you succeed. Imagine their faces then!

Living your Life Purpose is more than a career, but since you spend so much time earning money it is a key element.

The biggest hint I can give you to finding Life Purpose through work is to search for something you feel a deep pull and an undoubted passion towards. When you find that, many things will happen…

You’re health will improve. You’ll work longer, faster and harder than ever and love it. You’ll smile and laugh more and become a people magnet as you become more interesting and fun to be around.

Your confidence will literally rocket.

Begin by finding your unique gift and then explore how you can use that in a distinctive way to help others improve their lives.

Best Wishes

Jo Ball

Coach & Founder of Unstoppable Life

About the Author: Build your confidence through your life purpose with top UK coach Join Jo Ball at Start to rediscover and understand the real you, step into your full power. Jo’s newsletter is full of tips, stories and tricks on living Life Purpose. It’s FR>EE. She’ll send you an e-book, Simple Steps to Greater Happiness as a thank you for joining and give you a FREE Life Purpose Report


Monday, September 19, 2005

Attaining Happiness

It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness.

--Thomas Jefferson

Are You A Leader In Procrastination?

By Jo Ball

Putting off tasks, leaving them to the last minute, arriving late, leading a chaotic life with stress, resentment and guilt, but worst of all missing out on opportunities…

Saying ‘I have to do this’ or ‘I have to do that’, being gripped by the panic of impending deadlines, beating yourself up, kicking out in resentment and rebellion for missing the goal posts for something you felt forced to do…

Making excuses, ‘I can’t afford it’ or ‘I lack the confidence’ or saying ‘This doesn’t work…’ and ‘that doesn’t work’ without even making the effort to find a way…

Hanging onto the things you’ve been doing for years, while not starting anything new until the other project is finished. Perfecting, perfecting, perfecting it’s a great trap…

This is the habitual way of the Leader in Procrastination.

But hey, don’t beat yourself up for not doing ‘STUFF”. Ignore the jibes of the less worldly and wise. Maybe you’ve been the shrewd one. Maybe it is for the best that you didn’t do ‘THINGS’. Maybe ‘stuff’ and ‘things’ just haven’t been right in a while.

Deep down you know that you’ve been marking time. Deep down you know the moment has not been right for you to seize life. Deep down you know your time to act will come; your moment when you no longer ‘HAVE TO’, but ‘WANT TO’.

And if that want hits you this week; if that want packs a punch in your gut today; if that want stirs you in an hour, a minute or now, you’ll know to act. And act you will, striking like a viper.

This is the Leader in Procrastination… biding their time.

Many others are just like you now, marking time. Many others were like you yesterday, but then decided to strike today and grasp the life they have before them. They have chosen to shrug off the ‘have to’ and discover the ‘want to’; they have chosen to dream a little, to find passion, to find the leader within them that will bring love and life in golden bursts of sunlight.

They have chosen to re-find their gifts and use them in distinctive ways that touch and change other peoples’ lives. They have shrugged the existence. They have chosen to drop the clinking chains of education, religion, family values and peer pressure and be true to their souls, not what they are told their souls ‘must’ be.

And you can join them. You too can move beyond the ‘have to’ to the ‘want to’. You can discover who you really are, what you really want to do. You can be a leader.

But what if you don’t act this week, this day, this hour, this minute? What if you put it off and let it go now? Well then perhaps the best moments of your life will never be. Perhaps your dreams of leadership, love, laughter and light will dissolve and then where will you be.

In twenty years you will be older, more disappointed, maybe haggard and resentful; spitting mad at the love you lost or never was; spewing that you have to work such long hours for little money and bitter at the world for denying you the wealth others have in abundance.

But who will be the one to feel the hurt? Who will be the one to cry on the mattress?

Not you my friend, not you.

Not you because you were a leader in the chrysalis – a leader in Procrastination.

Not you because you are not that person now. Not you because this week, this day, this hour, this minute you have changed. You have woken up to your true power. You understood that this procrastination was protecting you from stuff you have to do.

Now you have found a want with in you. A want to discover you; a want to discover your purpose; your meaning; your direction; a want to be who you really are; a want to do what you really… want!

Take that want now and do something with it now. Explore. Have fun. Open up to the vast field of potentiality out there and be free of the chains of procrastination.

You are a leader now, no longer in procrastination.

Find yourself

Jo Ball x

About the Author: At Unstoppable Life, Jo Ball (LCA, Dip) is developing the next generation of leaders who have been waiting, dormant in procrastination. These people are discovering and defining their life purpose. Join Jo’s Fr>ee newsletter now at Unstoppable Life now to discover a mass of info other leaders in chrysalis are acting upon.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Problem Solving

The way to remove darkness from a room is simply to turn on a light.

In the same way, to rid yourself of any difficulty, concentrate on the solution rather than the problem.

How To Be Happy

By Garry Munro

Happiness is a state of mind, so your state of mind at this moment makes all the difference.

You need to ask yourself, is it what you want, the thing that is going to make you happy?

If the answer is yes, does this mean that what you have must not be good enough?

We go through life searching, searching for a better job, better house, better car, better relationship, sometimes for many people this is a full time “occupation, always searching!

It seems to be a vicious circle for many of us, because the last job was the better one, now it is not, somehow it’s lost its appeal, just as when you bought your car, it was going to make you happy but that was only for a short time, you soon became unhappy once you saw another newer model, so the car that was your dream car is no longer a dream.

Where does it end?

Well the answer is simple, it ends exactly where it starts, in your Mind.

Look back at what you have had or what you did in your life that really made you happy, was it something that was a passing fad or was it more to do with being with certain people, going to a special place, listening to music, being on your own?

Whatever it was, can you have it again? Can you reproduce that feeling?

The answer to your past and future happiness belongs to you, only you can make you happy because only you control your thoughts, other people may have an impact but remember your thoughts are you, so think happy and be happy.

About the Author: Garry Munro has the Minds Alike web site at where you can find more articles on happiness, success and self help.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Power of Positive Thought

You are what you think. Think it today. Become it tomorrow.

Nothing can help you or hurt you as much as the thoughts you carry in your head.

What's My Life All About?

By Garry Munro

What’s my life all about is the question so many of us ask ourselves, I’m sure you have asked yourself the same question, right?

The answer is different for everyone of us, so I’m not going to try an answer it for you but please let me offer you some advice that I have picked up along the way, but first let me quote from Oprah Winfrey:

“I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you"

You may want to go back and read this quote again and then think how it applies to you and your life.

What is your personal calling?

The answer to this may assist you to answer our original question, what’s my life all about?

Finding your personal calling or to put it another way, what is your life purpose, is important, without knowing what you’re destined to do or what really makes you happy, is like walking out the door and not knowing where to go.

So, how do you find the answer?

Well, it takes a bit of soul searching, time and you need to start this process in the right frame of mind or otherwise you may come up with the wrong answer.

Try your best to approach this exercise in a positive frame of mind, which may be hard if you’re “suffering” from self doubt or have just gone through some form of trauma, so you may need assistance to gain that positive approach.

Talk to a friend who you find motivating, your doctor or just before you start, do something that you usually find puts you in a better frame of mind, perhaps listen to your favorite up lifting song?

Now, you’re in a really positive frame of mind, okay, perhaps you’re not but let’s put on our best acting performance here and pretend you are and who knows, perhaps you’ll start to feel better anyway by acting as if you are!

Sit down in a quite place and start thinking back when you were a child, what did you enjoy doing? Who were your hero’s? Who did you dress up as? What did you get praised for from your parents, friends, and teachers?

From this exercise, some clues may start to develop to give a hint as to who you wanted to be when you were a kid, when you were less impressionable.

So what changed you? Are these hero’s, these things of fun and pleasure, these praise worthy efforts, still within you and have you bottled them up and they’re now laying just below the surface waiting to be released.

Think about it, are the answers “hidden” here?

Finding one’s life purpose, is important and cannot be fully explored in a short article like this but I hope from reading this article you may have started thinking about who you really want to be and how you can achieve being that person and have stopped thinking that there is no hope and worrying about, what’s my life all about?

About the Author: Garry Munro host the web site where you'll find more articles on success, happiness and business.


Friday, September 16, 2005

Let Troubles Fade

If you can remember your troubles you can just as easily forget them.

Remember only happiness, and your troubles will fade into the background.

Stop Negative Thinking!

By Garry Munro

Negative thoughts can be very self-destructing, it's true that how we think is who we are.

Before I go on any further, let's take a quick test:

Close your eyes and count slowly to 10, while counting concentrate on listening to the numbers.

What did that prove?

While you were counting, what else were you thinking about? Unless you're different from most people the answer would be, "I only thought of the numbers".

Our minds can only think of one thing at a time, so next time a self doubt or a negative thought pops into your mind, then quickly think of something positive, in other words, change the conversation in your head and this will change the negative thoughts in your mind.

Have on stand by a few positive thoughts that you can switch too next time the negative ones attack your thinking.

Do this every time a negative thought enters your thinking and you'll be surprised by the changes to your life, pretty soon you'll find that after you changed to the positive thought a positive action will follow.

As well as, the mind switching thought technique, why not find a "peaceful" spot where you won't be disturbed and for at least 15 minutes everyday, practice thinking nothing but positive thoughts or thinking nothing at all, before too long you'll be amazed by the results.

About the Author: Garry Munro is a consultant, speaker & coach in the area of self-development.

Based in Australia he runs his own business "Minds Alike".
Visit his blog site for a FREE EBook and more articles on success, business and self motivation.


Thursday, September 15, 2005


Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds.

--Percy Bysshe Shelley

7.9 Things I Learned About Success From Darth Vader

By Owen Stobbe

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you have probably seen Star Wars 3. I did some ‘thinking outside the box’ and came up with some ideas about success from watching the movie.

1. Perseverance – If it doesn’t kill you it only makes you stronger.

Successful people persist. They’re tenacious and dogged. You can put an obstacle in front of them…They go around it, or over it, or even plough thru it.

The path to success, filled with obstacles it is.

2. Discipline – Practice, practice, practice.

Successful people practice what they do. They’re doin’ it, doin’ it.

When other people are resting they’re still doin’ it. They’ve formed a winning mindset, and are willing to work hard, and put in the effort in order to achieve their goals.

What may look easy to some, only becomes easy after countless, repeated efforts. If you want to become better you have to practice.

3. Have a mentor – Find someone who has achieved what you want and follow his path.

Successful people find a mentor who has achieved success and follow their path. Success leaves clues. Want to become rich in real estate? Look it up in google. Want to grow your 401k? Look up successful investors.

The key is to do some research in your area and find out who has already achieved what you want.

4. Willing to get the job done – Getting your hands dirty.

Successful people understand that sometimes they have to get their hands dirty in order to get the job done. If you’re a CEO that may mean answering phones, folding letters, packing orders.

For others it could be menial tasks, work you just don’t want to do, or anything that you normally don’t do.

5. Be prepared to go it alone – There’s no I in team, but there are 3 in millionaire.

Successful people know that sometimes they have to follow their dreams alone. Sometimes everyone around you will abandon your vision. It takes a strong character to go it alone.

What usually happens is everyone hops back on your success train once it’s come in.

6. You are always good at something – We all have a talent we are good at.

Successful people know what they are good at. They've practiced their talent.

Honed it. Excelled at it.

The key is for you to find what you are good at and do the same.

7. Consistent action – Step up and keep stepping up.

Successful people take consistent action. Notice how I said ‘consistent’. We can all take action once in a while. It’s successful people that constantly take action that getting them to their goals.

The key to success is to act constantly. Money doesn’t grow on a rolling stone…or is that moss?

7.9 Focus, focus, focus – Hit the bullseye.

Successful people know how to focus. They focus on only one money making idea and take it from cradle to grave.

They don't have one idea, then have another idea next week, and another the week after that.

Focus on one money making idea and take it as far as you can.

So to wrap up, it takes perseverance, discipline to achieve your goals. It's good to have a mentor. Don't be afraid to do the job or to go it alone. Use your talents. Constantly act and focus like a laser.

Oh yeah...Always keep your lightsaber safety on!

Yours for excellent success,

Owen Stobbe

P.S. May The Success Be With You.

About the Author: Learn How A Crazy Ex-Banker Cracks 'Top Secret'
Millionaire Files Locked In Vault For Over 93 Years...
Open Your Skull, Take Out Your Brain,
And Pour In This Amazing Success Report


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Principle of Happiness

The small share of happiness attainable by man exists only insofar as he is able to cease to think about himself.

--Theodor Reik

What Causes Anger?

By Tristan Loo

Anger is a strong emotion of displeasure caused by some type of grievance that is either real or perceived to be real by a person. The cognitive behavior theory attributes anger to several factors such as past experiences, behavior learned from others, genetic predispositions, and a lack of problem-solving ability. To put it more simply, anger is caused by a combination of two factors: an irrational perception of reality (“It has to be done my way”) and a low frustration point (“It’s my way or no way”). Anger is an internal reaction that is perceived to have a external cause. Angry people almost always blame their reactions on some person or some event, but rarely do they realize that the reason they are angry is because of their irrational perception of the world. Angry people have a certain perception and expectation of the world that they live in and when that reality does not meet their expectation of it, then they become angry.

It is important to understand that not all anger is unhealthy. Anger is one of our most primitive defense mechanisms that protects and motivates us from being dominated or manipulated by others. It gives us the added strength, courage, and motivation needed to combat injustice done against us or to others that we love. However, if anger is left uncontrolled and free to take over the mind and body at any time, then anger becomes destructive.

Why We Need to Control Anger

Just like a person who is under the control of a street drug—-a person under the influence of anger cannot rationalize, comprehend, or make good decisions because anger distorts logical reasoning into blind emotion. You become unable to think clearly and your emotions take control of your actions. Physiologically speaking, anger enacts the fight or flight response in our brain, which increases our blood pressure and releases adrenaline into our bloodstream, thereby increasing our strength and pain threshold. Anger makes us think of only two things: (1) Defend, or (2) Attack. Neither of these options facilitates a good negotiation.

Internal Sources of Anger

Our internal sources of anger come from our irrational perceptions of reality. Psychologists have identified four types of thinking that contribute to anger.

1. Emotional reasoning. People who reason emotionally misinterpret normal events and things that other people say as being directly threatening to their needs and goals. People who use emotional reasoning tend to become irritated at something innocent that other people tell them because they perceive it as an attack on themselves. Emotional reasoning can lead to dysfunctional anger in the long run.

2. Low frustration tolerance. All of us at some point have experienced a time where our tolerance for frustration was low. Often stress-related anxiety lowers our tolerance for frustration and we begin to perceive normal things as threats to our well-being or threats to our ego.

3. Unreasonable expectations. When people make demands, they see things as how they should be and not as they really are. This lowers their frustration tolerance because people who have unreasonable expectations expect others to act a certain way, or for uncontrollable events to behave in a predictable manner. When these things do not go their way, then anger, frustration, and eventually depression set in.

4. People-rating. People-rating is an anger-causing type of thinking where the person applies a derogatory label on someone else. By rating someone as a “bitch” or a “bastard,” it dehumanizes them and makes it easier for them to become angry at the person.

External Sources Of Anger

There are a hundreds of internal and external events that can make us angry, but given the parameters of a negotiating situation, we can narrow these factors down to four general events.

1. The person makes personal attacks against us. The other side attacks you along with the problem in the form of verbal abuse.

2. The person attacks our ideas. The other side chops down our ideas, opinions, and options.

3. The person threatens our needs. The person threatens to take away a basic need of ours if they do not get their way i.e. “I’ll make sure you’ll never work in this city again.”

4. We get frustrated. Our tolerance level for getting things done might be low or affected by any number of environmental factors in our lives.

Factors That Lower Our Frustration Tolerance

1. Stress / Anxiety. When our stress-level increases, our tolerance for frustration decreases. This is why there are so many domestic disputes and divorces over financial problems.

2. Pain. Physical and emotional pain lowers our frustration tolerance. This is because we are so focused on taking care of our survival needs, that we do not have time for anything or anyone else.

3. Drugs / Alcohol. Drugs and alcohol affect how our brain processes information and can make a person more irritable or bring forward repressed emotions or memories that can trigger anger.

4. Recent irritations. Recent irritations can also be called “having a bad day.” It’s the little irritations that add up during the course of the day that lower our tolerance for frustration. Recent irritations can be: stepping in a puddle, spilling coffee on your shirt, being late for work, being stuck in a traffic jam, having a flat tire.

Recognizing the Physiological Signs of Anger

By recognizing the physiological signs of anger, we can attune ourselves to know when it is time to take measures to make sure that our level of anger does not get out of control. Here are some symptoms of anger:

1. Unconscious tensing of muscles, especially in the face and neck.

2. Teeth grinding

3. Breathing rate increases dramatically

4. Face turns red and veins start to become visible due to an increase in blood pressure

5. Face turns pale

6. Sweating

7. Feeling hot or cold

8. Shaking in the hands

9. Goosebumps

10. Heart rate increases

11. Adrenaline is released into your system creating a surge of power.

Am I Right to be Angry?

Damn right you are. You have your own perception and expectation of the world that you live in and when the reality that you live in fails to meet your expectations, then yes you have the right to be angry. Afterall, if everyone thought alike, then the world would be a pretty dull place to live. You are going to run into situations that you don’t enjoy. You are going to run into people who don’t respect your views and ideas. The feeling of anger is totally justified according to your beliefs and so don’t repress or deny those feelings.

Having to right to feel angry does not mean that you have the right to lash out in anger by attacking the other person. You can’t change the views of other people to conform to your own because, like you, they have their own right to uphold their view of the world. The best thing you can do is recognize your anger and focus it on the problem instead of your counterpart.

Key Points

Being angry or frustrated is just like being under the influence of a drug. It prevents you from rationalizing and thinking logically.

Anger is caused by a combination of an irrational perception of reality and a low frustration point.

Anger is a natural response and you have every right to be angry, but you must learn to keep that anger in check during a negotiation because once you react in any negotiation, then you lose the agreement.

About the Author: Tristan Loo is an experienced negotiator and an expert in conflict resolution. He uses his law enforcement experience to train others in the prinicples of defusing conflict and reaching agreements. Visit his website at or contact him directly via e-mail at


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Good Philosophy

My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate--that's my philosophy.

--Thornton Wilder

What Are The Four Types Of Negotiating Outcomes?

By Tristan Loo

Negotiating outcomes are the types of results that can happen at the end of a negotiation. All negotiations end up with one out of four possible outcomes: one party wins and the other loses, both parties lose, they get stuck in a stalemate, or both end up winning. Obviously, the goal in a cooperative negotiation is for both parties to walk away with their needs being satisfied. Familiarize yourself with the four different negotiating outcomes and make it your goal to aim for a mutually-beneficial outcome.


In this type of outcome, ego’s come into play which thwart the negotiating process. Both sides dig into their positions and are unwilling to compromise with each other. In the end, both parties end up losing in the deal. Resentment exists between both parties as a result of the outcome and it is unlikely that they will ever negotiate with each other again.


A labor union refuses a contract offer and goes on strike until demands are met. The company refuses to give into to this bullying-type technique and digs into their position of not budging. In the end, the strikers go back to work without a raise and with lost income and the company loses a large amount of sales revenue, and the consumer loses because the company must raise prices to pay for its losses.


In this type of outcome, one side wins and the other side loses. There is no compromise with a win-lose outcome. It’s a one-side takes all battle with one side getting all their needs satisfied and the other side getting nothing. While the side that wins may be very happy about the outcome; the losing side has a high level of resentment over the deal because they did not have any of their needs met. This usually results in a end to any future negotiations and a termination of the relationship.


A street brawl is the ultimate in win-lose negotiations. One side wins by use of physical violence and the losing side has no choice but to submit to defeat.

A civil court battle is win-lose. A judge or jury decides winner and loser based on available evidence. One side wins punitive or compensatory damages and the other side loses that money.

In this type of outcome, neither side wins or loses and after a long negotiating session, both sides are at the exact same place that they started off at. This is a result of not being able to deal with interests and only positions. Stalemates happen when both sides aggressively defend their positions and neither side is able to make the other side budge.


You go to buy a car and the salesman quotes you a price that is too high. You are unwilling to budge on your price and the salesman is unwilling to budge on his quote. You then walk out of the dealership and go find another one to deal with and the salesman moves on to the next customer.


This is the type outcome that you strive to achieve when you Street Negotiate. In this type of outcome, both sides walk away with their interests and needs being met. Both sides leave the negotiating table satisfied because they came out of the negotiation with more than they had started with. Relationships are preserved because both parties cooperated with each other in determining a fair solution to the problem. This outcome also bolsters trust for future negotiations between the two parties because they have established a positive relationship.


A hostage taker agrees with the police negotiator to surrender and release his hostages. In return, the negotiator agrees that the SWAT team won’t bust through the doors and kill the hostage taker. In this example, the hostage taker gets his needs of survival taken care of and the negotiator gets his needs of ending a potentially deadly confrontation without any bloodshed satisfied.

Key Points

The four possible outcomes to a negotiation are: lose-lose, win-lose, stalemate, and win-win.

Set your goals on having a win-win outcome in all of your negotiations. A win-win outcome is where both negotiating parties walk away with having both of their needs met.

About the Author: Tristan Loo is an experienced negotiator and an expert in conflict resolution. He uses his law enforcement experience to train others in the prinicples of defusing conflict and reaching agreements. Visit his website at


Monday, September 12, 2005


We keep passing unseen through little moments of other people's lives.

--Robert M. Pirsig

How To Give Criticism Without Bruising Egos

By Tristan Loo

As responsible employers, parents, and friends, we have an obligation to correct the mistakes of other people in order to enhance their personal success. The task before us is how to correct a deficiency without damaging the delicate ego that can sometimes get in the way. Too often people criticize someone’s behavior without providing a solution and this is detrimental because it then becomes a personal attack on the person that only aims to demerit them. Constructive criticism involves pointing out their weakness and offering a solution to correct it. In order to give constructive criticism, we must seek the solution to the problem before we point it out to the person. By doing this, we effectively separate the behavior from the ego and preserve the relationship in the process.

Here Are Some Strategies For Giving Constructive Criticism:

1. Never criticize while you are angry with the person. If your emotions are controlling your actions, then avoid any type of criticism. It becomes too easy to use that criticism as a chance to make a personal attack on the other person when emotions are high. Distance yourself and regain your own composure before you address a behavior that needs correcting.

2. Offer a better solution. Know the difference between disliking a certain behavior because it disagrees with your own personal preference versus disliking a behavior in favor of a more efficient way or correct way of doing something. Avoid making a criticism and then attempting to support it with emotional appeals because the issue then becomes a matter of personal preference and conflicting egos. Instead, use the power of logic to show the person that there really is a better way of doing the same thing that will enhance their own success and productivity.

3. Always let the person save face. This means respect the person, even if they did something completely inappropriate. The psychological consequences of embarrassing or disrespecting someone in front of their peers is very severe. It is so severe in fact, that such embarrassment has been a major factor in 80% of all violent incidents in the workplace and at schools. Criticism is a personal and private process that is not to be shared with anyone else. Also, it is just as important not to make it apparent to other people that you are giving, or going to give criticism. Asking someone to come into your office in front their peers can be just as damaging as criticizing them in public. Keep it very confidential and respect your counterpart’s needs to save face in front of their peers.

4. Focus on the problem, not the person. When giving constructive criticism, make sure that you stay focused on addressing the problem and not the person. The problem is an objective issue that you can work cooperatively on to enhance both of your interests. Focusing in on the person, however, will always be construed as a personal attack against them—even if it is not meant to be. Personal attacks are always followed up with resentment and anger, which can actually be more detrimental in the long run because it can cause deep-seated resentment, which in turn, can lead to poor moral, clandestine or saboteur behavior, and passive-resistance. Remember that the person has feelings and those feelings can be easily broken by a wrong approach. Whenever you give criticism, follow the golden rule of attacking the problem, while being gentle on the person.

5. Empathize with their position. Empathy is the ability to step into the shoes of the other person and see the world from their perspective. Sometimes we forget what it is like to be the new person on the job because we have grown accustom to a certain procedure or routine that is second nature to us. Remember that people don’t always see things as you do and part of being a good educator is being able to understand the other person’s position and work with them at their level—not your own.

6. Never label the person. Attaching a negative label on the person being criticized is an inappropriate approach because it dehumanizes them, making it easier for you to be angry with them and it demoralizes them.

7. Focus on the future, not the past. Blaming someone for their past behavior does nothing but create conflict. The past is over with and your main concern is that it does not happen in the future. So instead of dwelling on past behavior, use it as a teaching tool so that they can improve in the future.

8. Use softening words to pad your criticism. Softening words are designed to “soften” harsh-sounding statements.. Softeners work because they leave a lot of room for interpretation of the statement that follows it. Some examples of softeners are, “I think,” “I suppose,” “it seems,” “I believe,” etc. So instead of making a harsh statement such as, “You’re report is terrible.” Replace it with a softened criticism such as, “It seems to me that this part of your report could use some revision.” The psychological effect of rewording a statement can lead to a greater amount of persuasion and conflict avoidance.

9. Give them an opportunity to correct their behavior. This is an important step for any criticism because it works at two different levels. On the first level, giving them the opportunity to correct their behavior or actions lets them take responsibility for their behavior and reinforces the point that they must be held accountable for their actions. On the second level, giving them the opportunity to correct their behavior will give them an opportunity to redeem themselves and save face with you, which will make it easier for them to put their past behavior behind them and move on.

10. Constructive criticism is a sign of compassion. Criticism is often associated as a negative thing because it is often abused as a transport device for personal attacks. However, constructive criticism is a positive gift because the core message behind that criticism is that you care about the person enough to want them to succeed in the future. Constructive criticism is one of the main tests that separate regular people from true caring friends. Caring people will be honest with you and even risk generating conflict if they believe that their constructive criticism will help improve your life. Make sure that the person knows that your constructive criticism is done because you care about them and that you value your relationship with them. They will respect you more for being honest with them.

About the Author: Tristan Loo is an experienced negotiator and an expert in conflict resolution. He uses his law enforcement experience to train others in the prinicples of defusing conflict and reaching agreements. Visit his website at or e-mail him directly at


Sunday, September 11, 2005


Those who say they know, do not know.

Those who say they do not know, also do not know.

Therefore, be quiet and let your actions speak for you.

They speak much louder than your words anyway.

Are You A Leader In The Chrysalis?

By Jo Ball

Let’s get this straight at the outset…

Leadership skills can be found in their droves on an Internet search. Lists… dozen of them; and if you want to define yourself and tick the box by a pre-set, ready made standard based on what ‘experts’ in business and the church think, then go right ahead and look because I am not going to reproduce it here and encourage you to pigeon-hole yourself.

Face facts: the guy in the pin-stripe suit and the one with the dog collar are not the only leaders. What’s more their ways, their definitions and their lists are not the only way to lead.

In your lifetime you’ve been exposed to all kinds of ‘leaders in their day’. Take your teachers; yes, the ones who made you tuck your shirt in, do your tie up, remove your make up, ear rings and often your smile…

Take your parents – doing their best as the leaders of your home and your childhood – using what they had and what they knew to bring you up with good morals and good values so you would become an acceptable member of society who could get a good job and find a good spouse and go on to be a good reflection of them. Maybe they were kind and nurturing, maybe they were overbearing torturers and heavy-handed disciplinarians….

Then take your peers: the leaders, the tall kids in the playground who developed first and got all the attraction from the opposite sex. The first couple to make out, the first guy to have a car, the first one to leave and get a job and reach the heady-height of leader for five minutes…

And I guess what sends us on those searches to pigeonhole ourselves is the hope that we are as good or better than that standard. Maybe it will help us if we can be recognised as someone or something by a business leader’s standard or a spiritual leader’s values.

And this is okay, but remember that the standard of the wealthy and the clean have often been brought into question. Perhaps the standard of the person who walks their dog, chatting to the mums and the kids on their way to the school bus, or the parent who can ignore the tantrum of their child or the lady who helps you settle into a new community by throwing a party for you, are the type of leaders we might want to consider being.

Real leadership is not about striving to meet an external standard so that tick can be put in boxes under your name. Real leadership is about living with purpose – finding, defining and using your birth given gifts and bringing them to the foreground in a distinctive way that changes, enhances and glorifies the greater good.

Now that’s real leadership!

Good luck on your journey

Jo Ball x

Coach & Founder, Unstoppable Life

About the Author: At Unstoppable Life, Jo Ball (LCA, Dip, NLP) is developing the next generation of leaders who have been in the chrysalis. These people are discovering and defining their life purpose. Join Jo’s Fr>ee newsletter now at Unstoppable Life’s home page to discover a mass of information other leaders in chrysalis are acting upon.


Saturday, September 10, 2005


To love people who love you is easy.

Choose to be everyone's friend, whether they like you or not.

When you love and accept others as they are, you will have friends everywhere.

In some cases, your positive attitude may just rub off on someone.

Be someones friend today!

What Is My Life Purpose?

By Jo Ball

Why am I here?

If you haven’t already asked this question, I’m sure you will. Sooner or later most of us do.

It’s not an easy question to answer. It’s broad in terms of possibility.

Right now you might be a go-getter in the city; but you could just as easily be a procrastinator in a suburb. Same question, different perception.

But whatever we’re searching for in life, be it a bigger home, a wonderful relationship, a new car, top job with a superb salary, loving children or just a little peace in our hearts, it’s clear to see we are all united in our search for one thing. But what is that thing?

It’s a simple thing. It’s at the heart of all of our decisions, yet it often passes us by too easily, too often. When we do catch it, it is a marvelous experience.

I believe we’re all searching for happiness and I believe the reason why we miss it so often is because of how we search for it. What do I mean?

We’ve been conditioned to want. Wanting creates “doing”. We desire possessions and money and careers so that we feel or look good so we “do” the things that bring this to us. We attach our happiness to these objects and then somehow feel empty when we have them.

This is why so many people fell disillusioned, lost or confused about their path. This is why so many people are asking or will ask, “Why am I here?”

I asked this question too. Many times, several years ago, I looked up to the sky and asked it. I’m not sure what I expected – perhaps a bolt of lightening striking the pavement before me or a boulder falling from the sky with the details engraved on it?

It didn’t happen.

Then I asked a more powerful question. “How do I discover why I am here?”

Looking back now I can see there have been hints. In fact my whole life is littered with hints that can lead me closer to my truth.

But did I follow these hints?

Not on your life. I wanted lightening and boulders and I got day to day life and opportunities dressed up as things I’d never done before.

And then I heard someone say, ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.’

But when we stop the ‘doing’ of making money and objects and start to ‘be’ we can honestly see that God-given signs are unique to fairy-tales and Bible stories.

In real life we don’t get a bolt of lightening, we get an email, a phone call or a meeting with an old friend and somewhere within this communication, if we’re paying attention to being with the person with the message, we can find answers.

We also don’t get boulders dropping out of the blue in real life, we have an accident, a fall, a bump on the head or bereavement. It’s called a wake up call!

If we are ‘being’ we understand that call and will somehow know the answers to how and why will be repeated so that you can ‘get’ them.

Let me give you a hint now. Your life does have a purpose. To suggest anything else defies the very nature of our existence.

You have been given unique gifts that you are not using. You need to find them and then understand what to do with them.

Good luck on your journey to happiness

Jo Ball x

Coach & Founder, Unstoppable Life

About the Author: Jo Ball is developing the next generation of people finding the answers about their reason for being here. These people are discovering and defining their life purpose. Join Jo’s Fr>ee newsletter at Unstoppable Life now and go through the link on the home page to discover a mass of information others are now acting upon.


Friday, September 09, 2005


While every pleasure is in itself good, not every pleasure is to be pursued because some pleasures may entail painful consequences that outweigh the pleasures themselves.

The individual must learn to discriminate between pleasures that are really good and those that only seem to be good.

How To Create A Thriving Prosperous Life

By Jo Ball

You only have to look around you at your friends, family and colleagues to see that there is an abundance of people who have talents, yet many are held back by a mortgage, a family, lack of confidence or some other reason.

Deep inside us we all have a dream of living a thriving, prosperous life, but often we‘re unsure of how to navigate our way through the issues that come our way, and too many people, too often, give up and start making excuses to themselves about success being for others.

What I think is vitally important, and something that is often completely ignored these days is this: no-one else is quite like you. That’s right, you are unique - as unique as a sacred place, rare bird or a beautiful flower.

This uniqueness seeps out of you each and every day. It can’t help it. It’s because it is who you really are. When this uniqueness is suppress, negative feelings like frustration, anger or disillusionment rise.

You only have to look at the statistics that employers publish about lost days through stress or other related sicknesses to know something is not right in the employment market. This is nothing more than individuals forgetting about their unique gifts and trying force themselves into a role they have no energy for.

What I work with is Life Purpose. Life Purpose is all about starting with the unique gift you were born with and using that as the central driving force for your whole life. Working like this clears away the clutter of reasons and excuses. It re-ignites the fire of life.

You only need remember a time when you totally loved what you were doing. If you remember a time like this, you'll know you were in timeless awareness - where the hours slipped by without you realising.

I'm one of the fortunate ones, I'm absorbed by work I love. It took some initial searching to find my purpose, but I'm now totally absorbed by what I do and earn my living from doing what I love.

If you've been signed off work recently with stress, feel lethargic, overweight, depressed, lost and often unsure then I strongly suggest reviewing your life purpose. If you don't you're going to drift through life like a boat drifts across the sea when it has no rudder.

Suggestion – Take time to consider all your talents and gifts. What have you been doing when you have been completely absorbed and lost all track of time? What areas do you feel you haven’t explored that you would have like to have done? Ask other people what they see as being your strengths, talents and gifts. What do they think is unique about you?

About the Author: Jo Ball (LCA, Dip, NLP) is a Life Purpose Coach. She’d love you to join up to her free monthly newsletter full of ideas, tips and stories on living life on purpose. What’s more when you join the fast growing readership she’ll send you a free e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness as a thank you gift. Join Jo now at


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Create an Environment Conducive to Happiness

Something as simple as the colors that surround us can influence our happiness. Warm colors like yellow, orange and red have been proven to increase feelings of comfort, warmth, and happiness.

What Keeps You From Your Destiny

By Jo Ball

Heading back to the car after lunch, a good-looking guy with a swagger caught my attention.

Or rather his t-shirt did!

Emblazoned across his back were the words, ‘I create the havoc that keeps me from my destiny.’

These words have a touch of irony about them. I think we might all be aware of times when we’ve “got in our own way.” And never one to miss an opportunity for growth, I ended up asking myself a question:

Where am I creating havoc havoc in my own life and what is it costing me?

I beleive that everything crops up in our life at just the right moment. You see what you need to see; hear what you need to hear; feel what you need to feel, so you can come closer to who you really are.

Is this a new concept for you?

If this is a new concept just take a moment and consider something that cropped up for you over the last week and think about who you were being at that moment. If you experienced true, heart-felt joy and happiness we can conclude you were being close to the true essence of you in that moment.

On the other hand:

If you felt frustration, disappointment, anxiety or anger then maybe you were some distance away from who you really are. If this is the case you may like to give further consideration to who you are, so that in moments of difficulty in the future you can be closer to your truth.

But I bet you’re wondering what chaos I’ve been creating!

Because I love writing I do lots of it. Sometimes too much. As I write this article, I have edited parts of a one hundred and twenty thousand word manuscript on my desk. Notes on a personal development book, by my side, and details of the eight articles I'll write by next Friday. And that’s not all...

Of course there are my children to consider and a relationship to nurture; fun to have, friends to be with. But at the time I saw the guy with the T-shirt I entered a phase of my life when things suddenly got muddled. I got involved in too much. I lacked balance and then guess what happened? I put my back out.

Isn’t it wonderful how your body does this kind of thing?

Just when you’re feeling under pressure something pops and then suddenly you can hardly do anything. And of course I wasn’t deterred! I found a way to work around the pain: hot-water bottles, a footstool to take the pressure off my spine and massage, and I was back in business. That was when something else happened.

That’s right, the hard-drive on my computer crashed.

The computer took a few days to resolve. And I admit there have been times in life when I might have got angry at this point. But this time I didn’t – maybe because a distraction occurred.

A blinding headache, with stabbing pains.

At this point I said, ‘I’m giving in. I take the hint.

But what might a back-ache, a computer crashing and head-aches have to do with creating havoc?

My back relates to movement and balance. When it locks up, it is like a vice – I can’t move forward, back, left or right. The computer crashing caused a temporary pause in my work, but not long enough, so the headache came along to force me to take time out from my head, close my eyes and recharge etc.

So how can this kind of information be used in the future?

Maybe, in the future, when I get backache, I listen to my body and stop long enough to get life back in balance. Perhaps then I won’t need to put up with a computer crash or the headache.

And looking back a few weeks I can now see the importance of taking the break.

This issue has made me consider: what is most important when you’re faced with a situation that creates havoc?

The answer, I believe, is gratitude. Everything enters your life for a reason. See it as an opportunity to grow. Come to love it. Come to understand it, and you will find it enters and leaves your life more like a ripple than a storm.

Embrace the havoc! It has a message for you about who you are.

Jo Ball & Neil Millar

About the Author: Take a look at the purpose of life with coach Jo Ball (LCA, Dip, NLP) and author Neil Millar at and start to rediscover and understand the real you. It’s simple to do. Join the Unstoppable Life newsletter. It's full of tips, stories and tricks on living Life Purpose. It’s FR>EE to sign-up and we'll send you an e-book, Simple Steps to Greater Happiness as a thank you for joining and give a FR>EE Life Purpose Report.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Making the Best of Your Time

Time spent in creative activities such as music, art, hobbies, education, and community service are more condusive to happiness than passive recreations such as television, radio, and other spectator sports.

A New Beginning

By Jo Ball

Sometimes showing up for life can seem like a major achievement. And within that ‘showing up’ we’re showing tremendous courage.

We’re not giving up. We’re forcing our way back - searching for meaning, trying to find a new direction… a reason to go on.

I know the emotions of failure. I know the thoughts - the questions: what’s the point? Why me? Why now? What is this all about? And I know the choice we come to within these questions: do we fall away, a bitter cynic; or do we find our way, make our way back and somehow make our life worthwhile.

Too many days can be spent alone. Too many days can be lost to failure or fear. Too many days can be lost in pity.

The world is changing, life is evolving, every twist and turn on our path can bring us new hope, new beginnings, new love, new adventures. If only we can see that the world is not a darkened, hopeless place, put our hearts back into place, remember life is about love we will not only ’show up’ but make our days fulfilling and meaningful.

Rebuilding life starts with a brave look around you. I know how easy it is to be sucked into materialism, achieving, being the best, succeeding; and I know the consequences of these things: often a shallow, unfulfilled existence where we forget or close down and deny, not only the people around us we love and adore, but deny our selves.

The world is waking up. Westerners are hungering for meaning and purpose. We want to find the reason for life. We’re finding that doing and achieving feels great for the ego, but can leave something missing in the spirit.

And we want to fill that spirit. And we begin our search.

What I find is that more and more people are looking for purpose - life purpose. Some come with hope - hoping to find what’s missing others come with an attitude of ‘doing’ purpose and moving on again.

Life purpose is not for doing. It is for being. It is where you rediscover that the world is timeless. Where you fall back in love with life and handle everything from your heart and not from your wallet or your clock or your diary.

It’s about waking up in the morning wondering about the possibilities, rather than focussing on difficulties.

About the Author: Jo Ball (LCA, Dip, NLP) is one of the UK’s leading Life Coaches. Join her fast growing Life Purpose newsletter at
